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Ningbo Yonghong Machinery Co., Ltd. is a synthetic company for dairy, food, packing equipment,equipment designing and the whole project installing. The project which we contracting and making has acknowledged by large customer as design reasonable and create excellment, These years we provide whole excellent engineering item to install and manufacture, such as Xin Xiwang Milk, Jiangxi Yangguang Milk, Guangdong Yantang Millk, Nanjing Weigang Milk,Jiangxi Yangguang Milk, Guangdong Yantang Milk,Nanjing Weigang Milk and so on. It is one of the professional enterprise that local minority can provide engineering design. manufacturing installment and produce all –directions service.

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Ningbo LEEPAK Machinery Co, Ltd.
阳西县| 娱乐| 洪江市| 东至县| 桂林市| 绍兴县| 沾益县| 汕尾市| 桦甸市| 新竹市| 犍为县| 同仁县| 乐平市| 曲阳县| 会同县| 莫力| 玉田县| 鄂托克前旗| 文安县| 奉化市| 仙桃市| 宣威市| 黄浦区| 毕节市| 清镇市| 大化| 建瓯市| 汽车| 鸡东县| 临猗县| 襄汾县| 鹤山市| 尼木县| 凤凰县| 桂东县| 铜鼓县| 崇左市| 五原县| 临西县| 大洼县| 武汉市|